Poetry in German and English
Getting used to the layout program more poems will appear in a second book at the beginning of March 2023. Phenomena and the effect of conscious breathing play a more decisive role than in the first part of this series, “I think, hey, am I crazy?”. Because regular, conscious breathing strengthens self-confidence, the title can do without question marks this time being itself part of a real maturing process. The Latin “Spiro, ergo sum” means “I breathe, therefore I am”. The choice of the ancient language, which is still very much alive for me, was projected and, in addition to the homage to the great Cicero (whom the saying probably came from), can be attributed to the fact that the booklet also contains some English-language texts. Not to make the gibberish even more confusing… Viva la Alquimia!

of notary and life
In November 2022, my experiences from the intensive time since 2020 exploded in the form of lecture texts as rhythmic rhymes and puns. Shortly thereafter, the booklet “I think, hey, am I crazy?” was created. Like the two previous books from 2021/22, the work is exclusively distributed , especially in context of authors’ readings).

last longest
…a motto that is part of my life since ever and does not disappear. In my professional environment, I often missed the “human element” and I have made it my life’s purpose to combine this universal value with the requirements of our old society. I wrote down my experiences and insights within the two universes of law and health in summer 2021. Connecting these diverse worlds is part of Katharina Kolibri’s calling. The theoretical basis roots in “78 Keys from Yoga, Hermetics and Magic to Self-Discovery”, which was self-published and distributed exclusively.

The exercises
A workbook is provided for the exercises (yoga asanas, breathing meditations, mental exercises). The practical exercises are taught individually by Katharina as part of the breathing and awareness school (Rock’n Rest program) on Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. and on request.